Habanos spécialist

The Habanos Specialist Label
An exclusive and reliable quality label for the best tobacco establishments!
Premium product, like Habanos cigars, also says Premium Service in store.
Habanos and Cubacigar Benelux have developed the Habanos Specialist concept so that discerning premium cigar consumers can easily recognize quality products.
The cigars called "longfillers" from Cuba are high-end hand-rolled cigars available in specialty shops with the "Habanos Specialist" label.
These cigars, called "Habanos" are protected by a "Controlled Origin Call" and are attributed only to cigars of Cuban origin made exclusively from tobacco leaves from a specific region of Cuba and following an approved and controlled process.
One of the conditions for obtaining this quality label is to have an optimal storage space and presentation of these cigars.
A good knowledge of the world of Havana is also essential in order to provide the best advice.

A Habanos Specialist is distinguished by an in-depth knowledge of cigars and quality of service.